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Thank you for your interest in a GPSG External Appointment position. If you have any questions, please contact the 2021-22 Chief of Staff, Amanda Smythers (

You may apply for and hold more than one external appointment. If you are a GPSG Senator, you may have an external appointment(s) and retain your seat.

While appointments are unpaid, they offer the opportunity to make direct contributions to University policy, increase the visibility and voice of Graduate and Professional Students and gain relevant experience in academia.

Most external appointments require a time commitment of 1-2 hours per month (on average), including brief summaries to the Chief of Staff.

To apply:

  • Complete this brief application form
  • Recent resume or C.V.

Deadline: Applications are due ASAP.

Academic Calendar Committee

The purpose of this committee is to determine the schedule for the following academic year (2022-2023), which includes determination of dates for exams, commencement and breaks and coordinating with other university schedules.

Ackland Museum of Art Academic Advisory Committee

The Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) advises the Director on issues pertaining to the Ackland’s mission to support university teaching and research on campus and advocates for the Ackland within the University. The AAC addresses all issues that affect the use of the Ackland as a teaching and research resource for UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and students.

Committee Meetings: 3 annual meetings

Advisory Committee for UNC Student Stores

The Student Stores Advisory Committee will provide informed guidance and serve as a forum for consultation and communication between Barnes & Noble CollegeBooksellers, LLC (“BNC”) and the University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill (“UNC-CH”) in the management of the UNC Student Stores Committee Meetings: 2 in fall, 2 in spring, public town hall in spring

Building and Grounds Committee

The committee advises the chancellor on plans for the long-range physical development of the campus, the siting and exterior design of new and renovated buildings, major landscaping changes, the selection of architects, the location of monuments and memorials, and such other matters as the chancellor may refer to it.

Campus Health Services Advisory Board

The CHAB advises Campus Health Services on issues of service scope and delivery/workflow, serves as a sounding board for new ideas and initiatives and provides feedback as we develop and manage our various student and post-doc health insurance plans.

Committee Meetings: The CHSAB meets seven times during the Academic Year on the 3rd Wednesday of each month in September, October November, January, February, March and April.  Meetings are from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at Campus Health Services.

Campus Personal Safety

The Campus Personal Safety Committee, a subcommittee reporting to the University Safety and Security

Committee, focuses on personal safety and crime prevention.  It addresses University policies and procedures and aspects of the physical environment of the campus that affect personal safety.  The Committee recommends changes in policies, programs, and physical amenities of the campus that would improve personal safety.

Campus Recreation Advisory Council

To help develop and review long range strategic plans in the areas of Campus Recreation budget, fees, facility development, policies, and staffing; To review and provide input regarding operational decisions, policies and procedures, eligibility and facility utilization; To assist in the development of program goals and vision statements; To serve as the sounding board for recommendations from the campus community, more specifically the various Campus Recreation councils; and to annually review the goals and objectives of Campus Recreation.

Carolina Computing Initiative Software Load Committee/Hardware Selection Committee

This position includes two committees. The software load committee is charged with coming to an agreement on the software and settings that should be applied to the software load that is installed on the CCI model computers. They ask representatives to bring the perspective and feedback on the CCI software settings from the constituency that they are representing.

Committee Meetings: 2 Meetings per semester for Software Load Committee and 2-4 meetings per year for the Hardware Selection committee

Carolina Dining Services Board of Directors

Responsibilities include: Formulate and implement policies that will achieve the university’s food service goals; Review the Annual Plan, which includes budgets, operating hours, menus and staffing needs. Make appropriate and reasonable recommendations; Assist in the design and development of new or renovated dining service facilities; Assess and advocate student dining service needs; Educate the student population regarding oncampus dining services; Assist in the evaluation and selection of dining service contractors. Committee Meetings: Monthly

Center for Faculty Excellence Advisory Board

The Center for Faculty Excellence is UNC-Chapel Hill’s pan-university faculty development center. Our mission is to enable faculty members in all disciplines to reach their goals in teaching, research, and leadership throughout their careers. The Center for Faculty Excellence benefits from the service of a distinguished group of campus leaders on its advisory board.

Chancellor’s Awards Committee

Committee Description: The Chancellor’s Awards Committee is responsible for the fulfillment of the charge from the Chancellor’s Office, consideration of awards to be added, and the planning, execution, and evaluation of the awards ceremony, an annual ceremony recognizing outstanding achievements by Carolina students in both academics and co-curricular student activities.  The committee is not responsible for the selection of the awards.

Committee Meetings: Monthly

University Committee on Copyright

The committee represents to the chancellor and the University community the concerns of faculty and other users and creators of scholarly information. The committee’s functions include:

  1. monitoring trends in such areas as institutional or consortial copyright use policies, changes in copyright ownership models, and guidelines for fair use of information in all formats;
  2. identifying areas in which policy development is needed and recommending to the chancellor new or revised institutional policies and guidelines;
  3. cooperating with the administration to propose and monitor the application of University policies and guidelines regarding ownership and use of copyrighted or licensed scholarly works; and
  4. assisting in identifying educational needs of the faculty and others related to compliance with copyright policies and guidelines, and advising on appropriate ways to address those needs. Committee Meetings: Bi-monthly

CITRL (STEM Teaching and Research)

CITRL is the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning Network that the graduate school applied to join last year. The committee will meet monthly to help with rolling out the program. They need student representatives to provide perspective on TA training initiatives on campus and how to better integrate CIRTL certifications, training, provide ideas about UNC Chapel Hill’s contributions to the network and how best to get graduate students to take advantage of the offerings. Committee Meetings: Monthly

Classroom Policy Steering Committee (CPSC)

The Classroom Policy Steering Committee, established in 2009, is responsible for ensuring ongoing communication, coordination, planning, and policy development across the units and areas involved in classroom issues.  Initial areas of focus include (1) developing policies and procedures for prioritizing general purpose classroom renovation and technology improvements, (2) monitoring general purpose and departmental classroom utilization campus-wide and recommending ways to improve utilization, (3) guiding the noninstructional use of space, (4) establishing strategies for improved communication and coordination across units responsible for various classroom issues, and (5) suggesting administrative structures and processes for ensuring timely funding and implementation of classroom improvements.

Committee Meetings: first Wednesday of each month, 4-5pm in 103 Campus Y

Committee on Student Conduct (COSC)

The committee oversees the operation of the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, proposes changes to the Instrument appropriate to its increased effectiveness, receives proposed amendments and coordinates their study and disposition, and reports annually and in writing to the Chancellor, Student Congress and the Faculty Council.

Additional Information: Members should have experience working with the Instrument.

Committee Meetings: Bi-weekly

Graduate School Administrative Board

This board oversees the administration of the graduate school, making decisions on certificate and degree additions, some policies, etc.

Committee Meetings: Bi-monthly

Graduate Student Professional Development Advisory Council

The charge of this Advisory Council is to guide and inform our programming which includes workshops, courses, seminars, and career related events. Our past meetings have consisted of reviewing current programming, generating ideas for new programs & enhancements to our offerings, ways to reach out to students, build value for student to actually attend our workshops, suggest guest speakers on the current state of graduate education and career outcomes, etc. The Advisory Council consists of students, faculty, staff and other professionals beyond academia.

Committee Meetings: Per Semester

International Affairs Advisory Council (IAAC)

IAAC meetings “focus on a particular question, theme, or topic.  By getting to know each other and having an on-going dialogue, the IAAC serves to help guide the work of UNC Global and evaluate its progress from a campus-wide perspective.  The goal for the IAAC is to plan and monitor UNC’s pan-university global endeavors.  In order to accomplish this, each of you will be asked to share the vantage point and work of your unit in the hope that together we can forge a common set of initiatives.  We avoid the “show and tell” format in favor of a thematic approach during our meetings.  For particular themes or topics, specific people or groups are asked to introduce, lead, and facilitate the discussion.” Committee Meetings: The IAAC meets quarterly

LGBTQ Center Roundtable

The goal of this group is twofold: 1) to create connections among LGBTQ organizations on campus and 2) provide a way for the LGBTQ Center to get input about concerns or issues that people are facing so I can take those forward or work to address them through LGBTQ Center programs. Committee Meetings: Per Semester

MLK Planning Committee

The committee has three major responsibilities

  1. To approve the theme and the keynote for MLK week of events at Carolina
  2. To be part of the Harvey Beech Scholarship selection process
  3. To participate/co-develop one of the events during the week in partnership with other organizations in the committee. In the past GPSF has provided panel members for programs and also helped tailor the offerings for a graduate audience. Committee Meetings: Monthly

Provost’s Commencement Speaker Selection Committee

Role is to nominate names for commencement speakers to the Chancellor.

SHARE Women’s Health and Safety

Multidisciplinary approach to provide timely medical care and services to survivors of a sexual assault through a standardized procedure.

Committee Meetings: 2-3X per year

Student Advisory Committee: Global Grads Initiative

The Global Grads Advisory Board is made up of international graduate students who provide guidance and feedback on the programmatic aspects for Global Grads and highlight any needs or issues that come up for international graduate students, e.g. assistance with income taxes, transportation to Baity Hill housing where many graduate students live.

Committee Meetings: This committee meets twice an academic year (once in October and once at the end of the academic year in May)

Student Affairs Council

The meetings serve to allow UNC Student Affairs employees to discuss pertinent issues.

Student Library Advisory Board (SLAB)

The Board is responsible for communicating thoughts, ideas, and concerns to the University Librarian and the Library administration. The primary responsibility of this group is to make suggestions on ways to improve the effectiveness of the Library. Other responsibilities include:

  • Determine how the Student Endowed Library Fund will be spent. This fund is described in Article IV, Section 9 of the Student Code.
  • Provide Library administration with relevant user feedback and advice on library services and resources to support both graduate and undergraduate student study and research needs.
  • Provide input on library policies and services and recommend appropriate changes.
  • Communicate user needs to the Library, and communicate information about library services and resources to the University community

Committee Meetings: The committee does meet regularly, 3-4 times each semester, usually for 90 minutes.

 Student Safety and Security Committee (SSSC)

The SSSC is charged by the student code to be an independent agency of student government that shall maintain and appropriate the Student Safety and Security Fee to campus organizations and university departments to promote student safety at UNC Chapel Hill.

  • As a committee that oversees the allocation of student fees, the SSSC is quite literally accountable to every student, staff and faculty member and the priorities of the student body collectively. We take this charge very seriously, and seek to safeguard utmost transparency of our operations and funding processes.
  • It is also important to note that the student code only allows the SSSC to allocate the safety and security fund to (1) registered student organizations and (2) university departments. Simply put, you must have an account with SAFO to receive funding. Committee Meetings: Monthly

Student Technology Advisory Board (STAB)

STAB has an email list to discuss the impact of central IT services on all students including phishing emails (and now phone calls), two factor authentication for campus services and Office365. Students meet with managers from the ITS Service Desk, Information Security Office, ITS Teaching & Learning (Sakai, CCI Printing and

Virtual Lab), the Classroom Hotline (general purpose classroom technology support), Networking and ITS Infrastructure and Operations (Office365, Carolina CloudApps – develop and deploy your own web applications)

Committee Meetings: Monthly

Student Television Board of Directors (STV)

UNC STV is a student run based TV club that is not necessarily based on the quality of our work, but bringing the Carolina community together and creating fun shows. We have our own campus channel but are mainly online based such as Youtube, Vimeo, and our website: Committee Meetings: Monthly

Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Sustainability Advisory Committee, advising the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, is being constituted as a recognized committee to make recommendations on a more holistic approach to the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices, research, and curricula across the University. The Committee will recommend long-term sustainability goals for the University and identify the means to achieve them. The Committee will develop a better understanding of existing incentives and disincentives, and propose more effective strategies. The Committee members will champion these strategies and communicate them to each member’s respective area so that all stakeholders take ownership.

Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee

The Parking Appeals committee is appointed by the Chancellor to fill his role as the court of final appeal for University parking citation appeals. Committee Meetings: As needed

University Teaching Awards Committee (Tanner)

Committee administers the selection of teaching awards for university faculty. The committee receives nominations, evaluates them, observes classes of those nominated, and aids in the selection process.

WXYC Board of Directors

Operational working group regarding campus radio station. Committee Meetings: Monthly


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