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Interested in getting involved in GPSG? Check out the Executive Board’s open external appointments. Apply for these positions here.

GPSG oversees the appointment of graduate and professional students to committees across campus. Most external appointments require a time commitment of 1-2 hours a month, on average. These volunteer positions are ideal opportunities to make direct contributions to university policy, increase the visibility and voice of graduate and professional students, and gain relevant experience in academia on issues you care about.

Note: Due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, we do not have equal information about all positions and committees. If you have questions about an appointment, please reach out to the GPSG Chief of Staff Emily Youree at 

Carolina Dining Services Board of Directors (1 opening)  

  • Coordinating Group: Carolina Dining Services  
  • GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff  
  • Meeting Frequency: Weekly  
  • Description: Responsibilities include: Formulate and implement policies that will achieve the university’s food service goals; Review the Annual Plan, which includes budgets, operating hours, menus and staffing needs. Make appropriate and reasonable recommendations; Assist in the design and development of new or renovated dining service facilities; Assess and advocate student dining service needs; Educate the student population regarding on-campus dining services; Assist in the evaluation and selection of dining service contractors. A good position for appointees interested in food scarcity and food pantries on campus. 

Carolina Union Board of Directors (1 position open) 

  • Coordinating Group: Carolina Union
  • GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff 
  • Meeting Frequency: Wednesday, 5–7pm, every other week 
    • Final arbitration of disputes arising over Union policy 
    • Select the President of the Carolina Union  
    • Participate in the selection of the Union Director 
    • Review, evaluate, and approve Union finances 
    • Long range planning for Union, including fee increases, etc. 
    • Establish Union policy with regard to facilities use, programming, finances, and such other areas that the Board seems appropriate 
  • Description: The Carolina Union is an organization of students, professional staff, and part-time student staff who provide programs, services, and facilities that all members of the campus community need in their daily lives. The Union contributes to the educational mission of the institution through the provision of cultural, social, educational, and entertaining programs that create opportunities for members of the campus community to engage in debate, conversation, and interaction around the issues of the time. This position provides an excellent opportunity to provide social programming for graduate students. The Board shall: 

Classroom Policy Steering Committee (CPSC)   

  • GPSG Point Person: VP AGA 
  • Meeting Frequency:  1x month 
  • Description: To coordinate the management and support of the 205 General Purpose Classrooms (GPCs).

Student Safety and Security Committee (1 opening)  

  • Meeting Frequency: Once per week 
  • Description: The Student Committee for Safety and Security oversees the allocation of the Safety and Security Fee and acts as an advocate for better safety on campus. The members review funding requests for safety related events such as self-defense classes and items such as assault whistles. The committee also works with DPS to improve lighting on campus and to ensure the P2Ps run efficiently. Safety and Security’s goal is to inform every student of his or her right to safety and the means available for preserving this safety.

Student Stores Advisory Committee 

  • Description: The Student Stores Advisory Committee’s goals are to gather feedback and engage the campus community, offer an opportunity to influence Store’s products and offerings, and suggest ideas to improve customer service, campus needs, and customer expectations. 


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