GPSG oversees the appointment of graduate and professional students to committees across campus, from the Provost’s Committee for LGBTQ Life to the Tuition and Fees Advisory Task Force, and advisory boards for everything from Campus Recreation to the Ackland Museum of Art. These volunteer positions make direct contributions to university policy, increase the visibility and voice of graduate and professional students, and gain relevant experience in academia on issues students care about. Find all of the external appointment committees and their members below.
Ackland Museum of Art Academic Advisory Committee
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Three annual meetings
- Description: “The Academic Advisory Committee advises the Director on issues pertaining to the Ackland’s mission to support university teaching and research and it advocates for the Ackland within the University. The Committee addresses all issues that affect the use of the Ackland as a teaching and research resource for UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and students.” (via
Administrative Board of the Library
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: Advises the University librarian on the administration of the University library system; formulates, together with the University librarian, the basic policies governing the acquisition of library materials and the use of such materials; allocates, with the advice of the University librarian, the book funds which are not specifically designated; submits to the chancellor, through the University librarian, its advice on the establishment or discontinuance of library service units outside of the general library building; reviews the University librarians budget request; and makes an annual report to the Faculty Council.
Advisory Council to the Dean of Arts and Sciences
- Description: This committee serves as the communication conduit between the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and graduate and professional students, raising student-led issues at the College, advising administration on policy, and collaborating with College leadership on projects.
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All the Essentials Taskforce
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Typically twice a month, some ad-hoc
- Description: All the Essentials Taskforce is working to establish a robust needs program at UNC, providing a centralized hub for all student resources, from housing options to food insecurity. The GPSG representative on this committee will join representatives from the Dean of Students office, Scholarships and Student Aid, the Residence Hall Association, Student Life and Leadership, and more. The GPSG appointee will help provide the perspective of graduate and professional students (GAPS) and offer input on GAPS needs.
Association of Student Governments
- Description: Founded and funded by students, The University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments champions the concerns of students and ensures affordability and accessibility to quality education today and tomorrow.
Building and Grounds Committee
- Description: The committee advises the chancellor on plans for the long-range physical development of the campus, the siting and exterior design of new and renovated buildings, major landscaping changes, the selection of architects, the location of monuments and memorials, and such other matters as the chancellor may refer to it.
Campus and Community Coalition
- GPSG Point Person: Director of Local Relations
- Description: The committee is a larger group that is a collaborative effort with representation and funding from the Town of Chapel Hill, UNC-Chapel Hill. The Coalition is tasked with addressing issues that affect students and the local community at large.
Campus and Community Safety Committee
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: The CCS Committee is tasked with analyzing quantitative and qualitative student data generated through the GPSG Campus Safety Survey Initiative disseminated in Spring 2023 and developing a plan for sharing results with campus and community partners, as well as developing a plan for brainstorming and implementing solutions.
Campus Health Advisory Board
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: The CHAB advises Campus Health Services on issues of service scope and delivery/workflow, serves as a sounding board for new ideas and initiatives and provides feedback as we develop and manage our various student and post-doc health insurance plans.
Carolina Center for Public Service Advisory Board
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: The CCPS Advisory Board advises staff and student organizers regarding programs and operations of the Carolina Center for Public Service. Includes community representatives, as well as University employees, faculty, undergraduate students, and graduate students. Advisory Board members may also serve on subcommittees to work on particular activities and selection committees for various programs and awards.
Carolina Dining Services Board of Directors
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Weekly
- Description: Responsibilities include: Formulate and implement policies that will achieve the university’s food service goals; Review the Annual Plan, which includes budgets, operating hours, menus and staffing needs. Make appropriate and reasonable recommendations; Assist in the design and development of new or renovated dining service facilities; Assess and advocate student dining service needs; Educate the student population regarding on-campus dining services; Assist in the evaluation and selection of dining service contractors. A good position for appointees interested in food scarcity and food pantries on campus.
Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS
- Description: The Carolina F1RSTS office supports undergraduate first-generation college students. Their office welcomes faculty, staff, and graduate students to become Carolina F1RSTS Advocates to serve as resources. Advocates trainings are offered throughout the academic year.
Carolina Engagement Council
- Description: The Carolina Engagement Council is a campus-wide entity that offers guidance and direction to support successful engagement with the state in a variety of ways.
Carolina Union Board of Directors
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: The Carolina Union is an organization of students, professional staff, and part-time student staff who provide programs, services, and facilities that all members of the campus community need in their daily lives. The Union contributes to the educational mission of the institution through the provision of cultural, social, educational, and entertaining programs that create opportunities for members of the campus community to engage in debate, conversation, and interaction around the issues of the time. This position provides an excellent opportunity to provide social programming for graduate students. The Board shall:
Center for Faculty Excellence
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Once per semester
- Description: The Center for Faculty Excellence is UNC-Chapel Hill’s pan-university faculty development center. This position would help provide input to support the Center’s mission to enable faculty members in all disciplines to reach their goals in teaching, research, and leadership throughout their careers.
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT)
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: Committee advises the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration on issues of transportation access and development. Responsibilities include: Gain an understanding of the goals of the campus master plan approved by the Board of Trustees and the binding traffic and transit requirements of the companion development plan approved by the Town of Chapel Hill; Consider the University’s desire to become more environmentally responsible; With assistance from the Department of Public Safety (DPS), conduct periodic surveys of campus constituencies to identify access needs for a planning period of five years. Advise on priorities for addressing these needs.
Chancellor's Student Fees Advisory SubCommittee (SFAS)
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: Oversight of tuition and student fee recommendations, co-chaired by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and the Student Body President. Due to the intricacies of student fees, the SFAS, a subcommittee of the TFAT, manages the student fee submission and review process. The SFAS is co-chaired by the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance and Accounting as designee for the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and by the Student Body President.
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: 2 meetings per semester
- Description: The CIRTL advisory group is comprised of leadership from The Graduate School, University partners, and of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. The group provides stewardship of ideas and implementation of key aspects of the CIRTL Network to create a local learning community of scholars engaged in the practice of teaching and learning. The group provides input on all aspects of the program including ideas for workshop offerings, contributions to CIRTL Network’s initiatives aligned with core ideas, evaluation, tracking, and impacts.
Civic Engagement Working Group
- Description: Student Life and Leadership coordinates nonpartisan civic engagement initiatives focused on voter outreach, education, and empowerment. Two Student Leadership Coordinators for Civic Engagement serve as the main facilitators and coordinators for the Civic Engagement Working Group, a collaborative space for student leaders, faculty, and staff, to engage around civic engagement initiatives on campus, as well as serve as resources to any students looking for ways to become civically engaged in the UNC or Chapel Hill community.
Classroom Policy Steering Committee (CPSC)
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: Once a month
- Description: To coordinate the management and support of the 205 General Purpose Classrooms (GPCs).
Climate Crisis Committee
- Meeting Frequency: 2 meetings per month
- Description: Pushes for more climate ambition at UNC while simultaneously working on smaller, hands-on projects.
Committee on Student Conduct (COSC)
- Description: The Committee on Student Conduct (COSC) is comprised of a cross-section of Carolina students, faculty, and administrators. COSC oversees the implementation of the Honor Code and the workings of the Honor System. The Committee has 12 voting members, appointed by various University leadership. The Chancellor appoints three members. The Chair of the Faculty Council appoints three faculty members. The Student Body President appoints four undergraduate student members and the Graduate and Professional Student Government President appoints two graduate & professional schools student members. Additionally, all Attorney General, Court Chairs, and the Honor System Outreach Coordinator serve as non-voting ex officio members. The current members of COSC are:
Committee to the Director of Academic Affairs
Contact Dailihana Alfonseca at for information.
The Health & Wellness Committee (HWC)
- GPSG Point Person: Director of Health and Wellness
- Description: A general purpose committee that will work on year-long projects aimed at promoting the mental and physical wellness of the graduate student body. Primary initiatives involve advocacy for graduate student mental health via the Mental Health Tour Series and the completion of two Wellness Festivals in association with the Graduate School. Subcommittees will be formed to manage the function of the Mental Health Tour and Wellness Festivals as well as work on other legislative and research projects.
Committee to the Director of Community Engagement
Contact Alex Ladan at for information.
Committee to the Director of Local Relations
Contact Michael Beauregard at for information.
Committee to the Director of State and Federal Relations
Contact Lily Gullion at for information.
Committee to the Director of Advocacy
Contact Elaine Reiche at for information.
Committee to the Director of Employment Affairs
Contact Jo Moscoso at for information.
Committee to the Director of Data Collection and Assessment
Contact Claire Klein at for information.
Committee to the Director of Environmental Affairs
Contact Jasmine Davidson at for information.
Committee to the Director of Communications
Contact Sam Ardery at for information.
Community and Diversity Committee
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: Once a month
- Description: The committee is responsible for fostering community and promoting pluralism in the University by encouraging social interaction, mutual acceptance, and respect among various groups on campus. The committee is especially attentive to matters generated by discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, disability, religion, socioeconomic status, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
Downtown Chapel Hill Partnership (DCHP)
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: DCHP is a nonprofit organization that works closely with the University and university students on initiatives that ensure the local campus community is a space for students and community members at large.
Educational Policy Committee
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: Once a month
- Description: The committee is concerned with those matters of educational policy and its implementation as to which the Faculty Council possesses legislative powers by delegation from the General Faculty under Article II of the Code. The committee’s function is advisory to the Faculty Council.
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) Policy Advisory Group
- GPSG Point Person: VP DEI
- Description: The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) maintains two policies that address discrimination and harassment based on protected status, including sexual misconduct. In order to ensure that the EOC regularly receives feedback from the campus community on the effectiveness of those policies, the EOC has established a Policy Advisory Group (PAG). The PAG is comprised of a group of students, faculty, and staff who meet three times a year to collect and synthesize feedback on the policies and offer insights to the EOC.
Faculty Council Graduate Representative
- Description: The Faculty Council of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an elected body that includes membership from the libraries and each school on the campus. The Council’s main functions fall into two areas: legislative and advisory. In its legislative capacity, the Council discusses and votes on educational policies, rules and regulations; the undergraduate curriculum; recommendations for honorary degrees and special awards; and regulations governing student conduct that affect academic standards or performance. It also votes on amendments to the Faculty Code brought forth by the Faculty Committee on University Government. Some of the advisory functions of the Faculty Council includes making recommendations to academic units, providing advice to the chancellor, and discussing matters relating to the life of the University and its betterment.
Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee
- Description: The committee represents to the chancellor and the University community the concerns of faculty and others with regard to information technology. The committee’s functions include:
- considering issues pertaining to the use of information technology in teaching and learning, research, and other professional activities in the University;
- and advising University officers and offices of administration on faculty needs and interests relating to information technology.
Gender-Based Violence Prevention Advisory Group
- Description: The UNC Gender-Based Violence Prevention Advisory Group was convened by Vice Chancellor Becci Menghini and Interim Vice Chancellor Jonathan Sauls in June 2020. The advisory group’s first charge is to review the existing Prevention Task Force report and recommendations and 1) determine if any data or other information needs to be updated or supplemented for the report to reflect current climate; 2) review the recommendations and determine whether they are all still relevant to our current campus needs and in line with national research-based best practices; and 3) develop an implementation plan that reflects which recommendations have already been implemented, which can be implemented immediately, and which ones require a long-term strategy. The group may amend or add to the recommendations based on updated information and the implementation plan should develop priorities based on need, effectiveness, feasibility, and budgetary considerations.
Global Grads
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Meeting Frequency: Twice per year
- Description: The Global Grads Advisory Board is made up of international graduate students who provide guidance and feedback on the programmatic aspects for Global Grads and highlight any needs or issues that come up for international graduate students, e.g. assistance with income taxes, transportation to Baity Hill housing where many graduate students live.
Graduate Advisory Committee to the Provost
Graduate School Administrative Board
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: This board oversees the administration of the graduate school, making decisions on certificate and degree additions, some policies, etc.
Graduate Student Appreciation Week
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Ad-hoc
- Description: Liaison between Dean and GPSG for GAPS Appreciation.
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: Liaison between GPSG and Graduate School & Science Policy and Advocacy Group.
Initiative for Minority Excellence (IME)
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Description:Focuses on the success, retention, and community development of graduate students from underrepresented backgrounds.
International Student Scholars & Services
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Semesterly
- Description: Supporting international students and scholars transition to life at UNC and in Chapel Hill.
LGBTQ Center Roundtable
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Meeting Frequency: Once per semester
- Description: The goal of this group is twofold: 1) to create connections among LGBTQ organizations on campus and 2) provide a way for the LGBTQ Center to get input about concerns or issues that people are facing.
Military-Affiliated Grads
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Description: Help provide opportunities and resources for military-affiliated graduate students to aid in their academic success and build community.
MLK Jr. Celebration Planning Committee
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Meeting Frequency: Ad-hoc, as needed (mostly in the fall semester)
- Description: The committee has three major responsibilities:
- To approve the theme and the keynote for MLK week of events at Carolina
- To be part of the Harvey Beech Scholarship selection process
- To participate/co-develop one of the events during the week in partnership with other organizations in the committee. In the past GPSG has provided panel members for programs and also helped tailor the offerings for a graduate audience.
North Carolina Graduate Student Coalition
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: Advocates for graduate student issues and elevates them to the North Carolina General Assembly.
Office of Scholarships and Student Aid (OSSA) Student Advisory Council
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: Provides input about the student aid experience at Carolina. This typically means providing feedback or identifying needs with respect to our communications and programming. Past focuses include financial literacy, programming needs, and existing resources on campus.
Queer Graduate and Professional Students (Q-GAPS)
- GPSG Point Person: VP Diversity & Inclusion
- Description: Composed of faculty, students, and staff from across campus. Charged with providing advice and counsel to the Provost on all matters related to LGBTQIA concerns. The mission is to help foster and sustain the quality of LGBTQIA life in the University community; offer financial support for speakers, colloquia, performances, and other professional activities and innovative programs; and provides opportunities and resources for our LGBTQIA-identified graduate students to aid in their academic success and build community.
Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee (RESPC)
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: The Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee is a student-run committee that manages the money allocated by the Student Renewable Energy Fee ($4 per student per semester) to plan and implement renewable energy, energy efficiency and management, and energy education projects on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. (via:
Scholarships, Awards, and Student Aid Committee
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: Establishes policy for scholarship and student aid funds, monitors the operations of the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, and advises the chancellor on matters regarding scholarships and other forms of student aid.
Status of Women Committee
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: Once a month
- Description: The committee addresses ongoing concerns of women faculty members, identifies obstacles to achievement and maintenance of equality in the representation and status of women on the faculty, and proposes steps for overcoming those obstacles.
Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor (SACC)
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Meeting Frequency: 3-4 times a month
- Description: The purpose of the Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor (SACC) is to provide a means for a wide range of student constituencies to speak directly with the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor, the Provost, and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs in order to peacefully and professionally advance the interests of the students and the university. SACC is composed of 12 undergraduate and graduate students who meet monthly with the Chancellor and meet weekly as a group to represent a broad range of student interests to the Chancellor and to higher university administrators. The Student Body Vice President serves as the chair of the Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor (SACC).
Student Advocates for Graduate Education (SAGE)
- Description: SAGE is a coalition of graduate students at public R1 universities. Join us to build collective power to make graduate education more accessible, equitable, and achievable!
Student Fee Audit Committee (SFAC)
- GPSG Point Person: President, VP Finance
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: The committee shall establish its own guidelines for working with the appropriate university administrators to oversee the levying and expenditure of all student fee dollars. The committee will pursue the goals of accounting specific fees for service and projecting long term growth patterns in student fees so that the appropriateness of fee revenue versus state and private revenue can be determined. It shall also be the duty of the committee to supervise the Student Activity Fund Office, and it shall have the power to inspect the financial records of any student organization receiving Student Activity Fee money. Any student may petition any committee member to commence such an inspection.
Student Legal Services Board of Directors (SLS)
Student Library Advisory Board (SLAB)
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Monthly
- Description: In an effort to maintain open communication between the student body and the administration of the University Library, the Student Library Advisory Board (SLAB) was created to provide a forum in which students and the library administration can solicit and discuss suggestions from the student body and share feedback and ideas regarding library services, programs, and facilities. SLAB directs the expenditures of the Student Endowed Library fund, which began in 1998 as an initiative to help support library services of particular interest to student users, at that time, namely 24-hour service of the Undergraduate Library.
Student Safety and Security Committee
- Meeting Frequency: Once per week
- Description: The Student Committee for Safety and Security oversees the allocation of the Safety and Security Fee and acts as an advocate for better safety on campus. The members review funding requests for safety related events such as self-defense classes and items such as assault whistles. The committee also works with DPS to improve lighting on campus and to ensure the P2Ps run efficiently. Safety and Security’s goal is to inform every student of his or her right to safety and the means available for preserving this safety. For more information, see
Student Technology Council (STC)
- Description: The purpose of the Student Technology Council (STC) is to provide student input on Information Technology projects and discussions. Members bring their unique perspectives to help improve the quality of Information Technology (IT) products, services, and tools. The STC helps IT support the academic and research mission of the University. For more information, please visit:
Transportation Working Group (TWG)
Tuition and Fee Advisory Task Force (TFAT)
- GPSG Point Person: VP Finance
- Meeting Frequency: At least three times per semester
- Description: The TF reviews the Student Fee Advisory Subcommittee report and tuition and fee proposals (school-based and campus-based) using UNC General Administration guidelines.
University Committee on Copyright
- GPSG Point Person: VP AGA
- Description: The committee represents to the chancellor and the University community the concerns of faculty and other users and creators of scholarly information. The committee’s functions include:
- monitoring trends in such areas as institutional or consortial copyright use policies, changes in copyright ownership models, and guidelines for fair use of information in all formats;
- identifying areas in which policy development is needed and recommending to the chancellor new or revised institutional policies and guidelines;
- cooperating with the administration to propose and monitor the application of University policies and guidelines regarding ownership and use of copyrighted or licensed scholarly works; and
- assisting in identifying educational needs of the faculty and others related to compliance with copyright policies and guidelines, and advising on appropriate ways to address those needs.
University Day Committee
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Description: Supports discussions, planning, and organization of University Day festivities to remember UNC’s past and celebrate its future.
University Public Service Awards Committee
- GPSG Point Person: Chief of Staff
- Meeting Frequency: Twice per semester
- Description: “The University Public Service Awards Committee supports the Carolina Center for Public Service (CCPS) in administering the University’s Robert E. Bryan Public Service Awards and the Office of the Provost Engaged Scholarship Awards. The committee typically meets twice each semester, and committee members advise on planning, publicity of the nomination process and review nominations for the awards. More information is available on the CCPS website at”
WXYC Board of Directors
- Description: Operational working group regarding campus radio station.