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For more than 130 years, Carolina students have been entrusted to hold each other accountable for maintaining a just and safe community. As such, when necessary, students, in partnership with faculty and, at times, professional staff, both adjudicate alleged violations and administer disciplinary sanctions to students found responsible for violating the Honor Code. The Honor Code is found  in the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance.  The Honor Code lies at the heart of the culture of the Carolina community, and it addresses not only academic dishonesty but also issues including, but not limited to, student conduct affecting persons and property both on and off the Carolina campus.

Student Supreme Court

The Student Supreme Court is the court of last resort for matters of Student Law at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Court also possesses original jurisdiction over cases and controversies raising novel questions of law under the authority of the Student Constitution.

The Constitution and Bylaws also bestow the Supreme Court with mechanisms of enforcement and available orders. The Student Supreme Court has the power to:

  • Summon defendants to appear before the Court;
  • Subpoena witnesses or evidence;
  • Issue a writ of mandamus;
  • Issue a temporary restraining order (TRO);
  • Enforce decisions by mandatory or prohibitory injunction;
  • Enforce decisions by the Honor Code.

Graduate Justices

Undergraduate Justices

Attorney General

Honor Court Chair

Solicitor General

Visit the Student Supreme Court webpage for more information.